Education Travels

About us

Rudi & Martin

Rudi was born and raised in Tirol and trained as a teacher in sports and philosophy (University of Innsbruck). He moved to Sweden in 1986 and worked for 14 years as a physical education teacher, trainer and swimming teacher trainer in Skåne. He was then employed as a teacher trainer at GIH for 21 years. Today, Rudi is his own entrepreneur, organizes trips and trainings, develops sports equipment and has a teaching assignment at the Sports University in Innsbruck. Martin is a qualified pedagogue (GIH, Stockholm) and worked as a teacher for many years. In 2018, he became his own entrepreneur and today works with education and study tours in health and leadership/group development. We got to know each other at Gymnastics and Sports Academy (GIH) in Stockholm in 2000. Rudi was a teacher and Martin was a student. Rudi and Martin are passionate about pedagogy, education and health issues. Being able to combine our great interests of outdoor life and travel with pedagogy is of course an incredible driving force for us. We are happy to help you with our already planned trips, your study day or start-up. Hope to see you! Etc. Martin & Rudi"

Rudi Zangerl

Rudi has a former elite career in freestyle skiing, among other things he is multiple Austrian champion in freestyle jumping and ski ballet as well as vice European champion in freestyle jumping. In addition to his education at the University of Innsbruck, he worked as an instructor in college sports in trampoline and diving, gymnastics, exercise gymnastics and creative/playful skiing. After moving to Skåne, he taught as a high school teacher, circle leader for people with functional variations, swimming teacher trainer within SLS, exercise leader. Rudi started and managed a trampoline association and organized and conducted ski trips to the Alps (Tyrol) for 14 years. Since autumn 2000, he was employed for 21 years as a university assistant professor at the University of Gymnastics and Sports (GIH) with special skills in gymnastics/acrobatics, swimming and lifesaving, special pedagogy and adventure pedagogy/outdoor life. Since two years ago, Rudi is self-employed and devotes himself to travel and outdoor life. He also develops teaching materials and sports equipment. Rudi also runs a mobile bicycle workshop and has a teaching assignment in movement games at the Sports University of Innsbruck.

Martin Lossman

Martin has an ex. elite career as a football player in i.a. Hammarby and Djurgården. Parallel to football, Martin worked with children of all ages, from preschool to high school. After his football career, he trained as a teacher in Sports and Health at the School of Physical Education and Sports in Stockholm. Martin worked directly after his education at a primary school and then a secondary school for over 12 years. For several years now, Martin has run his own company and a foundation with lectures, trainings and study trips in health, school development and group processes. 

"We are happy to take responsibility for your next study day, study trip or start-up"

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